Sunday, 1 December 2013

Deborah Hawkins – A fan of Princess Diana @DeborahHawk3

I  was always a fan of Princess Diana.  I took my first bar exam in Roanoke, Virginia, on the day she married Prince Charles.  I got up while it was still dark to watch the wedding and then went to the Civic Center where I spent the rest of the day taking the bar.
I felt a bond with Diana because we both loved motherhood, and we were both disappointed in our marriages.  After she died, I read a lot about the tragedy in the Place d’Alma tunnel.  I do criminal law appeals, so I read about crimes and crime scenes on a daily basis, and I felt the whole story of Diana’s death hadn’t been told.
Then one day I read that Diana had received a phone call in January 1997 telling her she was going to be assassinated.  She made a video tape naming the person on the call and gave it to a trusted friend to take to America.  Her tape has never been found.  She died eight months later, on August 31, 1997.
After I read this bit of history, the writer in me took over and began to wonder what if Diana had a close personal friend whom the British government could not touch and who made it his personal mission to find her tape and make it public. And what if her great friend was Nicholas Carey, a duke with a title dating back to Henry VIII’s time and one of the world’s most eligible bachelors? And what if he had tragically lost his wife, Deborah, the love of his life, who was also Diana’s great school friend at West Heath? And what if the person who had the tape was Taylor Collins, a beautiful Wall Street attorney, and the one person in the world who didn’t see Nicholas as Prince Charming?   But what if her indifference  toward Nicholas and the Careys changed when she read the diary of Thomas Carey, the knight at Henry’s court, whose great love story, against all the odds, founded the family that has lasted for five hundred years, a family that Nicholas now wants to destroy because he lost his wife?  And what if Nicholas has a mysterious ward whose existence could thwart his plan to make the Carey family extinct?  And what if Nicholas is accused of murder, and Taylor is the only person who can save him?  And what if someone is trying to kill Taylor because she has Diana’s tape?  In short, I wondered, who killed the Princess of Wales.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Contemporary Romance,Mystery
Rating – G
More details about the author and the book
Connect with Deborah Hawkins on Facebook

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