Q: What book genre of books do you adore?
A: Fantasy! When you get right down to it, fantasy novels are just modern interpretations of classical myths and legends. I love the fact that these ancient stories continue to captivate and inspire millions of readers and writers, thousands of years later.
Q: What book should everybody read at least once?
A: Watership Down, by Richard Adams.
Q: Are there any books you really don’t enjoy?
A: How-To books with the tagline: For Dummies. I’m already predisposed to dislike instructional manuals because, as I may have mentioned before, I have trust issues and an irrational amount of confidence, so why would I follow the instructions of a stranger when I’m pretty sure I can just figure it out on my own? But besides that, the very title of the book is an insult, insinuating that I am so stupid, I need to have information spoon-fed to me like a toddler.
Q: What do you hope your obituary will say about you?
A: Beloved author pronounced dead after vanishing during an attempt to hang-glide across the Bermuda Triangle. Her body was never recovered. She was 115.
Q: Location and life experiences can really influence writing, tell us where you grew up and where you now live?
A: Being part of a military family, I grew up traveling from place to place. I was born in the Alabama, but I have no recollection of it as we moved before I turned one. From there, we moved to Virginia, then to Florida, before moving overseas to Italy. After Italy came Germany and after Germany came Turkey. From Turkey, we moved to another part of Germany, where we stayed until I was 14. Then it was back to the United States, for a brief stop in Florida and then an equally brief stint in Nevada, after which we moved to yet another part of Germany. I returned to the States when I started college, but by then, Germany started to feel most like home to me, so it wasn’t long before I found a way to continue my studies there. I moved back to Florida to complete my degree and then moved to Virginia, where I live now.
Q: What other jobs have you had in your life?
A: More than I care to recall. I have been a restaurant hostess, a vault cashier, a bagel-maker, a pet store clerk, a book seller, a bar back, a barista, an overnight stocker, a ticket-taker at a comedy club, a caricature artist, a face-painter, a shopkeeper for a jewelry/antiques dealer, a lingerie store attendant, a curatorial assistant for a natural history museum, a clothier for upscale menswear, and a banker.
Q: If you could study any subject at university what would you pick?
A: I studied Anthropology when I went to college, but if I was to pick another subject, I would pick Graphic design and Digital illustration. Next to writing, drawing is one of my favorite pastimes. I would love the chance to hone my skills further as an artist.
Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
A: There are so many places in the world I’d love to live, but nowhere is as dear to my heart as Germany.
Q: How do you write – lap top, pen, paper, in bed, at a desk?
A: All of the above. I always have a blank journal on hand so I can write whenever inspiration strikes. I then use my journal for reference when I’m sitting at the computer, working on the actual manuscript. Generally, when I’m working on my laptop, I will sit at the coffee table I have converted into a desk, but I’m just as content working from the bed or on the couch.
Q: Do you plan to publish more books?
A: Of course! Fall of the Forgotten is only book one of a trilogy. I’m working on the second right now.
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Genre – Fantasy
Rating – PG13
More details about the author and the book
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