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Genre – YA Epic Fantasy (PG13)
Top 10 Things I Fear
(In no particular order)
Noises in the dark
Something happening to my kids
Speaking in public
Scary movies (I get nightmares easily)
My teeth falling out (I can very good care of my teeth, for some reason I have nightmares about them falling out though)
Dairy products (I’m intolerant to them- unfortunately when I have some by accident I get realllly sick.)
High winds during a storm (Tornadoes) (We get few tornadoes in Canada, but a few years ago one nearly hit our house. Any time there is a storm and the wind picks up I get nervous now)
Goodreads reviews (I love my reviewers, but I’ve found compared to all other sites Goodreads can be very harsh and I’m just afraid to look!
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